28 June 2011

Operation Rainfall Is Something to Get Behind

Great games for the Wii? There's been a few, but the well has run dry over the past year, especially if you're adverse to any game that has Mario in it. If you're itching for some new games, and wondered why nothing has came out recently, well, its not all the 3rd party publishers fault.

Gamers in the USA have started a grass-roots campaign to get 3 great, yet untranslated, RPGs that Nintendo of America own the rights to publish, yet seem unwilling to release.

23 February 2011

Review: Deathsmiles

Developer: Cave
Publisher: Rising Star Games
Released: February 18th
Price: £24.99

Rising Star Games may be one of my favourite publishers out there right now, with their knack of bringing great games to Europe by publishing some greats like No More Heroes and Luminous Arc, but will the publishing of the first retail Cave-developed shooter be another string to the Rising Star bow or will it be just another shooter.

14 February 2011

Coming In The Next Few Weeks

If you follow my twitter, you'll know I've pre-ordered Deathsmiles which comes out this Friday so expect a review soon. Also coming up is Pokemon Black/White and Dragon Age II which I'm trying to figure out what to get so maybe you'll see a review of one, or both, or maybe neither depending on funds.

13 February 2011

Guitar Hero: An Eulogy

As many of you should know by now, Activision has announced that it is shuttering its Guitar Hero Licensing division and will cease development of all further games and DLC for Guitar Hero and it's sister game DJ Hero. Guitar Hero was a game very dear to me and I would urge all readers to post their memories as I will also do this below.

14 January 2011

My Repetance for the 45K challenge

So Nic's made his decision for me, and in doing so came up with a great idea. So how did he choose, did he prefer to punish me with my biggest disappointment of 2010, or resign me to staring at misproportioned women with their own, entirely unique, physics. Well read on...

13 January 2011

My Failure at the 45K Gamerscore Challenge

It's been a while since I've wrote about this and with good reason, I got a bit ill, hurt my self under the influence of alcohol (Don't do that at home kids, especially when there's drinking games) and as a result I got no where near my goal. So what shall I do to make up for it, read on to find out.

10 January 2011

Unsung Heroes Seem A Bit More Vocal Than Most

As a follower of Jim Sterling's twitter, he posts some very interesting things, and one of them definitely got me going. In an article in the Wall Street Journal, Daniel Dumas has listed the games that he feels were unsung in 2010, proudly proclaming, "No Mario Kart. No Beatles. No Halo." The problem is, it might just as well have been.

5 January 2011

Best of 2010

So 2010 has been and gone and has left in its wake some great gaming news stories. Harmonix being sold, the falling out between Activision and Infinity Ward's founders (and subsequent hiring by EA) and at E3, Sony and Microsoft showed off their motion controllers to the world.

More about 2010 after the jump...